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Worldly Stress; Denmark Dilemma

This week for Worldly stress we take it over to denmark. Let’s see what advice about stress they can give.

Alright so we are in Denmark we came here to have a fun trip and to see the world. Your luggage got lost. Now you are stressing because you’re without clothes! All your plans are falling short. You had a perfect plan, and now it is just a mess. You had every little thing perfectly arranged, and now it is tumbling down like a block wall. Well the people from Denmark would think you are just fussing too much. In Denmark they say to reduce your stress just stop trying to make everything perfect. It is quaint idea, just enjoy the beautiful mess that life it is. Not everything has to be perfect to be great. Just roll with it. Give it a shot. Try not making everything so perfect, and see what happens. You might just find that you make better memories from the unplanned bumps in the road.

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